Monthly Archives: January 2009

current obsession

i don’t understand

why we dont take better care of each other. why we look the other way when we know something is wrong. why we are too afraid to stand up and REALLY say something. why we just keep telling ourselves that we have no right, no place to say anything – waiting for someone else to step up to the plate and take the heat.

it is really ridiculous and i’m ready to change. if you see something, say something.

Inauguration 2009

Ashton posted about his inauguration experience and inspired me to do the same.  My experience is not nearly as riveting as his- seeing as though I was stuck at work and did not travel to a public place – but, given the monumental occasion, perhaps it is worth documenting anyways.

They set up a live feed in one of the conference rooms and so I started stopping in for a few minutes every ten minutes or so around 11 30.  At 11 55 I went down and stood in the back of the room in the doorway, watching the projector but also taking in the reactions of the other people in the room.  Some people had chosen to stay home to watch the events with friends or family, but there was still a good number of people congregated.  My manager was among them, with the print-out of the news article about his daughter – who was chosen to attend the inauguration in D.C.- that he had been proudly carrying around the office all morning.  He was beaming with pride which was only increased by the fact that ‘our guy’ had won and was in the process of taking office.  During Obama’s speech everyone was quiet and reflective, some nodding every once in a while.  Admittedly, my eyes welled up a few times – both an indication of how moved I was by this historic event as well as how old I seem to be getting these days (I swear I am still only 23, but my soul seems to forget that some times).  Although the critics are mostly right – there weren’t any surprises in this initial presidential address – there were still many opportunities to revitalize my hope for this new administration.  I think the particular line that got me was “the question is not whether the government is too big or too small, but whether it works or not.”  It reminded me of Kennedy’s famous “ask not what your country can do for you” – I think because of the wording (since the intention is different)- but I think it is a great indication that Obama’s plan is to move forward regardless of party lines.  One major difference between the left and the right is the idea of what size government best suits the people, but arguing over that does not solve the bigger issues at hand – health insurance, equality, economy, etc.

At 12:36 I headed back to my desk, refreshed and excited about a new day in America.


It’s a shame now, baby, you can’t see yourself, And everything you’re running from.
And it’s the same world, honey, that has brought You down,
As the one that’s gonna pick you up.

And it’s a shame now, baby, you can’t separate
Yourself from where you stood.
And it’s the same world, honey, that made you feel so bad,
As the one that makes you feel so good.
Feel so good.

-“A Good Start” by Maria Taylor

wants, not needs

anything. yes, *anything* from that company falls on my “wants” list. one day i will blur the line between wants and needs, ha ha!


for ashton’s birthday weekend!


another hilarious quote (this time from

“Brad and Angelina had a big night at the Globes. Well, neither of them won anything. But they expended a lot of energy not talking to Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet, and that had to take it out of them. While I found the long stretch of that telecast where he chased them around and they pretended he didn’t exist AMAZING in the moment, and I think we all kind of enjoyed seeing poor Ryan get it handed to him a bit, in retrospect it kind of made Brangelina look a wee bit douchey. I mean, come on: it’s SEACREST. He’s harmless. He doesn’t even get to go inside the hotel. Throw the kid a bone. That way, later, you can congratulate yourself on being so gracious and being smug is really fun.”


flanel sheets were a bad idea

now i don’t want to do anything but curl up under them and read/watch movies/chat



this picture reminds me of breakers and the summer of 2002 for some reason. ohmigoodness, my heavy heart.

also, i love Queen Anne’s Lace and I want this dress.

Makool Queen Annes Lace Dress

Makool Queen Annes Lace Dress

