A brand should insert itself meaningfully into people’s lives by enabling and enriching their existing behaviors, not by requiring new ones. (Oh My God What Happened, p 62)

You guys have all bought (with a Tweet!) Oh My God What Happened, right?  If not, crawl out from under your rock and get it!

Admittedly, I have not yet completed it but I just couldn’t wait to share how awesome it is.  I “purchased” it a few weeks ago but just never sat down to give it a read.  The title of this post is a quote from the book, an eloquent way of saying what I’ve been telling people for months (years?) now.  We need to communicate with people in a way that makes sense.  In a way that lessens barriers and creates a win-win situation for both the communicator AND the communicatee.

Not only does this book expertly point this out in words, its actions mimic the statement.  With glee I copied the quote and came stumbling to WordPress to share it.  I noticed, however, a button that said “Share This Page” and clicked it as well.  A new window popped up, allowing me to share the page through a number of social media outlets with the reminder, “Integrate. Don’t Interrupt” (which is actually what that section of the book is called but another important lesson, brilliantly demonstrated, in and of itself).

Have I mentioned yet how awesome this book is?

So, seriously, if you haven’t already done yourself the service of checking out this book, you can nab it here:  http://ohmygodwhathappened.com/

About virginiafromvirginia

I'm Virginia and I'm from Virginia. I'm a UX designer at Arnoldnyc. View all posts by virginiafromvirginia

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