Tag Archives: cloud computing

Learning History

I’m working on a group paper – we’re writing a white paper on Pervasive Computing and the Cloud. Pretty interesting stuff. It’s also a very broad subject, so sometimes we take a break from theorizing about the future of cloud computing an instead think of fun ways to share our findings in an engaging way with our peers.

One of the ideas was to use Google Calendars to show the actual date when the term “cloud computing” was first coined which led me to thinking: what if history was taught through a calendar?

Google already has many options for calendars you can load into your personal calendar. I’ve got Australian, American and Swedish holidays on mine, for example.

Also, I live by my Google Calendar. If it’s not on there, it falls right off my radar. Luckily for me, my Google Cal automatically syncs so I can create/edit/delete events either from my laptop or my phone and know nothing will fall through the cracks.

So what if I could load in a calendar that walked me through the events of a historic era? What if they could be displayed alongside my personal calendar so I could learn or refresh my memory without disrupting other aspects of my life?

That’d be pretty sweet.